Black Satin' is likely an open pollinated seedling of the cultivar 'Peach'. The pollen parent is unknown, but appears to be 'Qing', which was growing nearby. 'Black Satin' is a relatively small tree for its age, apparently because of its heavy productivity. Nuts drop late, during the second week of October in zone 6 in mid-Missouri. Nuts are very large and very attractive, with white pubescence on a black shell, as the name 'Black Satin' aptly describes. Nuts store well. Nut flavor is excellent, and appears to combine the good flavor of 'Peach' with the sweetness of 'Qing'. Unlike 'Qing', which can be problematic to graft, 'Black Satin' grafts well on a variety of different Chinese chestnut root stocks. When grafted on mature stock, 'Black Satin' is extremely vigorous.