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Large, very sweet mulberry with extremely heavy berry production. By the appearance of the bark, leaves, and fruit it appears to be Morus rubra, however we have not had genetic testing done. What we do know is this exceptional mulberry produces delicious fruit that can measure over 1 3/4″ long! Fruit suffers no frost damage from early budding. Varaha is a prolific producer of long, very soft and luscious fruits. Just gets loaded down! The plump, long fruits are shiny and sweet with that excellent tangy, sweet, cherry-like red mulberry flavor. Edible at red, ripens and sweetens to dark purple-black. So nice! If you like native red mulberries and/or want a heavy producing, long-fruited cold hardy mulberry, this is it! Trouble free. Large, attractive heart-shaped leaves provide excellent shade. Can be kept smaller through pruning, but will become a nice medium-sized (25-30′ tall) shade tree if left unpruned.

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