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Ever wonder if your truffle orchard is reaching its full potential? Truffle-Typing™ can help. One factor to understand the production of truffles in the orchard is the mating type distribution. The truffle mycelium of a given species is characterized by two mating types, mat-1-1 and mat1-2. Both mating types can act as the maternal partner and can produce sporocarps. Additionally, both mating types can act as the paternal partner. Typically, maternal mycelium from one mating type dominates a given tree. The mating type distribution can vary across the orchard, and is thought to have significant effect on the ability of the paternal partner to cross with the maternal mycelium, resulting in truffle formation. An orchard dominated by a single mating type may suffer from suboptimal truffle production because of a lack of sufficient paternal mycelia and crossing potential. Truffle-Typing™ is a PCR based DNA test that can help understand the distribution of mating types in the orchard environment. This knowledge can help inform management decisions directed at increasing mating type diversity in the orchard. Clonal inoculum screened by Truffle-Typing™ allows us to supplement the orchard with mycelium of the limiting partner. Truffle traps are a traditional method of increasing and targeting truffle production in specific areas of the orchard. Truffle-Typing™ Services and PCR reagent kits will soon be available.

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