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Truffle Traps

Truffle traps are a traditional method of increasing and targeting truffle production in specific areas of the truffle orchard. In short, truffle traps consist of holes dug under the canopy of truffle trees, filled with organic soil amendments and truffle spores. Because truffles contain spores of both mating types, this supplementation may increase the presence of the paternal partner of the mating type pair in the root zone dominated by the maternal mycelium. Though the mechanism is still under investigation, yields of truffles are sometimes markedly increased in the truffle traps. Clonal mycelial inoculation provides the opportunity for a twist on the traditional truffle trap, by targeting the truffle trap contents to complement the genotype of the maternal mycelium. In an orchard mapped by Truffle-Typing™, clonal mycelium of a mat-1-2 strain can be inoculated in a hole under a tree colonized by the mat-1-1 genotype, and vice versa, lifting constraints imposed by a lack of paternal mycelium.

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