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NITKA Hazelnut

'NITKA' hazelnut is a Z's Nutty Farm selection of Badgersett seedlings and was one of the best of 6000 planted in Cortland, NY. It has a very thin shell for a high kernel percentage of 52 to 55%. It has S-alleles 5, 17 making it a universal pollen donor for all known cultivars. It has the strange habit of holding onto its dry and dessicated leaves throughout the winter. It does not sucker readily. Nuts ripen at the beginning of September. It has S-alleles 5 and 17. It can be grown in both tree and bush form Medium size round nut around 1.1 grams and is said to produce 5-7.2 lbs per plant. NITKA demonstrates some susceptibility to bud mite. Nut kernel size was 1.4g and 41 % kernel in Ohio.
